Saturday, April 21, 2007

Moving to a new era

It seems like yesterday, however it’s more than 5 years that we first came to our new offices in Melissia moving then from a tiny little apartment in Katechaki. And now we are moving again. We are going to Vouliagmenis 15, in Athens. A 260 sq.m. space that is really amazing. Overlooking Parthenon and the Olympius Zeus Temple just behind the Andrianos Gate, the new office is currently under refurbishing in order to mold into the new inhabitant. Us. DATA CONCEPT.

New offices with a flair. That’s what DATA CONCEPT needs. Roomy new offices with a concept. This office has it. As the old one did and maybe even more. It has the flair. When Andreas spotted the building, 3 weeks ago, we both agreed and with no second thoughts I called so we can have a look. It was really amazing. New, build on 2000 with big glazing all over, overlooking the best hill in the world. The hill of Akropolis. An inspiration for anybody to create and to dream. This office we feel that is absolutely suitable to incubate our company’s philosophy for the next 5 years and to drive us to the new era as the leader in IT systems integration. This office maybe last us for more than five years, Something like 10 years where we hope to be listed in the Stock Market, getting money and move to a newer era … and so on.

Early June will be out of Melissia and a new DATA CONCEPT will start its journey with a new boat. For one more time our entreprenuism is revealing and overwhelming us. 10 people and 500.000 € per year, no good. 20 people and 1.200.000 € per year, no good. More let’s do more.

Everyday we are investing more of our lives into this company. We still feel is the best investment ever. For everybody. For us and for our people.

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